She is ,

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Its not a crime to change to be a better person (:

09 January 2009

fuhh , dugaan !

haii !

fuhh , dugaan datang melimpah ruah . haha . cam rezeki jek en . this month busy habis .pagi sekolah , petang kokurikulum sampai kol 6 . balik mmng letih gila ! i suppose to finish my hw in the afternoon . then , kol 8 do some revisions . saturday , 8-12 Bomba , 1230 tuition sampai kol 3 ! malam wat revison lagi . esok nya plak , tuition dari kol 12 sampai kol 4 ! malam revision lagi ahh en . batak ahh ! kalau ikut last year , lantak kau ahh homeworks , esok esok ahh wat . now , no more ! all my teachers are very strict . but if we do what they want then mereka sngt friendly . kalau bukan sbb PMR , memang enjoy je ahh . even class pun i tanak masuk . dok jek kat court tu . tp nak wat cane en , i have to change EVERYTHING ! if u're someone who is really detail , u can see A LOT of changes in me . i really hope this spirit will lastlong . at least until PMR end .

Pertolongan dari Dia amat diperlukan kerana Dia sajalah yang memberi petunjuk dan kerana Dia kita masih dapat berfikir .

indifferent ,

1 comment:

irwan said...

konon je dah berubah