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26 August 2010

Somehow, im lucky

itu la ko, g tuition pun nak berangan..hehe..

rilex laa, akk pun mcm ko gak dolu2, setiap kali exam, hancus berkecai..abah dah biasa dah mengeleng2 tgk report card akk setiap kali..hahaha..
tapi last one, time SPM nanti pulun abis laaa..orang nak tgk yg last tu aje, setakat exam2 biasa nih, taknyah la depress2, buang karan aje..hahhaaa..enjoyyy study tu dekkk oi!
nota kaki: time SPM, subject Akaun akk lagi la kantoi -F9 terusssss, tapi skrg aku keje kat Banking Industry yerrr, Degree In Islamic Banking ko!clazzzz kan???
pengajaran- usaha, tawakal & jgn putus semangat..setiap perkara ada hikmah & percaya dgn ketentuan Allah. InsyaAllah..

Ada paham??? :)

You see this you see this. my sister reads aka stalks my blog and gives me support. terharuuuuuu :') haha. anyway, based on my sister's comment la kan, she's right. even ada this person once said to me, apa pun yang belajar sekarang tak penting, yang penting yang kat universiti tu nanti. so yeaah. and Yeah, my Abah memang suka nod je. BUT ! tu zaman my sister. zaman my Abah doesnt have time to membebel and busy working. now kan Kak Fira and my readers /if ada/, Abah has plenty of time and since he gets older each day, he has new hobby which is babbling. yes. haha. but dont worry, i prefer that way than dia diam and redha. haha. oh i bought a white board. i hope it will help me to keep motivated and rajin to belajar. YEAAH ! GO RABIATUL HAMZAH. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT ! :D

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

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