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02 July 2009

tidur kuat ! x)

haiii !

belakangan ini , rabie kuat tidur . asal petang je mesti tidur , kalau tak tidur petang , postponed lepas maghrib . then bangun balik kol 11 . then baru hadap buku . hadap buku itu wajib . yeahhh . EE , tak tau lah asal , kalau tak tidur , badan sure melayang layang . then , baring jek , BOOMM ! ZzzZZ . hahaha . ini kompom jangkit dari perangai Teyha . tu lahh , lepak agi ngan dia . HAHA . * teyhaa , aku tak de niat . HAHA ;D

ohh about homeworks . semakin sedikit compare to past time . yeayy ! so that i have extra time to do revisions . so far so good . i can follow the schedule and never miss my revision time . and for now , i think i covered form 1 and form 2 syllabus roughly . is that a good sign ? maybe . i hope by trial , i done all of it . insyaAllah .

so tomorrow is OPEN DAY ! Excited ! haha . weird , i know . but i just like when my ibu has to come to school . bahagia jek . heee (; tapi risau , duhh . my results not that good . i'm sure my ibu will babbling about science result all the way home . kompom ! haha . ohh , wish me luck ;)

Rabiatul Hamzah <3


Teha said...

HAHAHAHAHA. padan muke. bgus2, tingkatkan semangat anda utk mencontohi TEHA TIDO! ngehehe. *keningkening*

Nur Rabiatul Addhawiyah bt Hamzah said...

HAHA . tanak aku ! nanti menjadi jadi penyakit baru aku . EE . serious dohh . aku kuat tido ahh sekarang . ARGHH ! benci kau . HAHA .