She is ,

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Its not a crime to change to be a better person (:

25 February 2009

about me ! :D

tagged by KAK INA KECIK ! <3

1.List this rules on your blog
2.Share 7 fact about you on your blog
3.Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4.Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog
5.Link the person who tagged you
6.Leave comment for each blogger you have tagged

Seven facts about safinah :D

1. i'm childish but matured . * fikir fikir ! haha .
2. hmm , banyak ikut side bapak . baka besar ! ni yang comel semacam . haha .
3. i can't eat late and i can't eat too much sugar . nanti pening gila !
4. favorite drink , mineral water . makanan ringan kegemaran , yong tau fu . YUMMY ~
5. sangat obses nak kurus .
6. saya akan baca 1 msg tu berulang kali kalau funny
7. saya akan rasa bersalah gila time delete msg and cakap 'bye' time texting .

6 unspectacular quirks?

1. teringin sangat nak pakai spects !
2. sangat mencinta math !
3. suka cipta sajak . susah nak percaya kan ?
4. sangat sangat sangat sensitive tp kdng kdng heartless . hee :D
5. agak ketinggalan dlm music stuff .
6. i can't stop talking . walaupun ckg suruh diam 5 mnt , saya dah naik geram . haha .

7 people I want to tag , and my comment bout them

- fatin ; bengkak ! 8D
- epul ; batu batu ;D
- estee ; amoii yang adorable (;
- u'un ; gossip partner , xoxo
- rauf ; busuk ! 8)
- wue ; haziq's ;)
- tiah ; kawan yng sangat jauh .

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