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16 December 2010

Bubur pertama ku (;

HAAAAAAAAAAI ! kalau refer to previous post, i was very very bored. so tekak ni terasa nak makan ni makan tu. then tetiba i was craving porridge. entah kenapa tah. then apa lagi, IBU JOM MASAK BUBUR ! :D at first Ibu taknak tau because she's not feeling well. then i said, THEN ADIK LA BUAT, IBU AJAR :D then yeah, buat la sendiri. but tak la 100% buatan sendiri because the one yng campak ingredients masuk periuk, Ibu Zzz -.-' i was a bit pissed off la. IBU BAGI LA TAHU APA NAK MASUK, KENAPA, BILA. then Ibu was like, okay okay. hahaha. and then the result is WALLAH ! sentap gila waa cakap sama lu. even Abah cakap sodap ! :D next time, bila teringin, boleh buat sendiri dah. kihkihkih. esok pula belajar buat BEGEDIL ! YEAY.

How to cook porridge

  1. rebus beras and garam.
  2. then tambah air after 10 minutes and do it two times.
  3. pastu bila nak nasi tu nak tanak dah, masuk kan daging cincang, carrot and potato yang dipotong panjang panjang. then tabur kan black paper and garam plus pecukup rasa Maggi tu and bawang merah yng dihiris.
  4. then masukkan daum sup.
  5. if tak cukup rasa, tambah lagi garam and black paper plus pecukup rasa tu.
  6. kacau kacau kacau sampai daging tu masak.
  7. and WALLAH ! :D
Sekian dari Chef Bie (;

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