its not that i dont wanna to reply/talk to you, but sometimes i think you annoy me. you kept saying you miss me yadayada. okay, people will say its sweet. yes it is but if you say it everyday and after that, we have nothing to say, won't it become weird, awkward and annoying ? it's not that i wanna be batak or whatsoever kan, my other best friends/friends also miss me but they tak text me everyday and you dont have to join every conversations that i have with my friends. we have our own life and you have to understand that i have a new life to handle. its not easy for me to handle new things. i got new friends and i have to give more attention to them too. i dont want them to think like im using them for the sake of happiness. when im lifeless at school, i need them really badly. then when i have you, i throw them away. im not forgetting you nor my other old friends. i still love y'all and still remember our unbroken friendship. you know me very well. what type of friend i am. i wont and never will forget where i come from and who i grew up with. just give me some space and dont push me any further nor harder since i get annoyed easily nowadays. im sorry if this post hurts your feeling, its not easy to tell the truth without hurting people's feeling badly.
missyou, loveyou,
Rabiatul Hamzah <3
Rabiatul Hamzah <3
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