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10 June 2011

im... speechless

yesterday night, i was down. like really down. because Danial is busy and cant help me with senior column thingy. well here's the story. im kinda incharge for my class's column for school magazine. ala kan this year is my last year. form 5 cikgu bagi letak gambar class sume. then ive to submit next week. unfortunately, Danial just told me that he cant help me yesterday night. WEHH 3 HARI JE NAK START SEKOLAH NI. risau gilaaaa ah. then i called Za'im. i asked him if he knw how to use photoshop and another unfortunately, he doesnt knw how to use. then i called Amirul. he knows how to use but he is so busy with his stuff. dah nangis, merajuk ngan dia sume. pressure gila weh dah laa kira macam my responsibility benda jadah ni. then, fikir fikir fikir. then teringat that Kak Fira pernah edit collage picture for Tia's bday picture. so i asked Za'im to install and boleh tak tolong editkan and jumpa today and dia cakap okay. time tu dah relieve gila dah. then we met up at mcd after solat jumaat tadi. he and Zati (his sister) sampai around 250pm, i think. then tiba tiba, Amirul muncul. macam shock gila ! ingat dia datang saja la. tiba tiba nampak dia keluarkan laptop dia. and dia minta my pendrive untuk transfer pictures. and dia buka photoshop. macam terharu gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dia datang entah mana tau today jumpa kat mcd kol 3 tah and entah datang macam mana tah tetiba muncul nak tolong editkan. macam terharu gilaaa. Za'im and Amirul, thanks <3

so insyaAllah, tomorrow akan siap laa senior column tu. Amin.

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