She is ,

My photo
Its not a crime to change to be a better person (:

31 October 2010


suara dia terbaik and lagu ni ulala

30 October 2010

Mid Valley,

HEYY ! exam is over.. err still got phy and chem paper 3 on Monday but who cares ? come on, soalan bocor dah ada kot. hahaha. so today, i went out to Mid Valley with Abang Nu. we watched You Again. Odette Yustman is soo pretty ! and that movie is funny and must-watch movie. yeah. then after that we checked out new books kat MPH. i bought 2 novels yaw ! :D well, Abang Nu yang bayar sebenarnya. his credit card. hahaa. i was suppose to pay for the other book but instead, i just paid half of the price. haha. thanks bro (; then after that, makan kat Carl's Jr. sorang satu burger. BAPAK AHHH ! mine was sooo not healthy ! but i bite a bit laa. then i exchanged burger with Abang Nu which he had ate half of it. haha. so that means Abang Nu makan 2 burgers ! 10 minutes later, Abang Nu cakap dia lapar lagi -.- parah ! hahaha.

did i tell you that i saw/met HAFIZ HASYIM TODAY ? OH YES ! JUMPA DIA TADI. AND I WAS LIKE OMG KACAK GILAAAAAAAAAA ! he was with his anak and wife. i dont care la ngan sapa pun, but still. dah laa he noticed me looking at him. which lagi la AAA ! hahaha. oky diam ah.

I had fun today. finally dapat tengok movie. last time tengok movie was cuti semester haritu which in June :O that is not me weh ! hahaha. cuti next week, BALIK KJ ! YEAY ! Kak Fira, rumah awak, saya reserve satu bilik eh ? terima kasih <3

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

25 October 2010

sorry la wak, birth date awak tak lawa. haha


haa, creative kan aku sekarang ? i know riteeee (; so anywayss, babe, you dont know how much i miss you weh. yaAllah ! sabar je laa. you tell how long kita tak jumpa dah ? yea, tau pun. i'll make sure, after exam, kita akan lepak sampai nak puke. hahaha. okay okay, enough with luahan perasaan. emm, Najatur Raihan, i wish you'll have a blast for your birthday. emm happy disamping keluarga and best friends tersayang. im not there to be with you on your birthday. im sorry. i cant help it. if weekend, maybe aku balik. i wish you the best of 'CLOSING EYES' life with Allah's bless. i hope, with this new age, you will make a great change with yr life. maybe colour tudung ? haha. and aku harap kau tak bertambah sarcastic pula sempena umur baru ni. you know how harsh you could be. haha. and i know banyak sangat ups and downs in our friendship journey but kita strong enough to go through those things and tengok je la now, we're still best friends and bila jumpa after a long time tak jumpa, macam dah hari hari jumpa. you get me kan ? kau kan cakap lagi laju dari aku. haha. so macam biasa, i hope our friendship akan last forever under God bless (;

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

24 October 2010

She's a mualaf,

Im just joking. love you, Amoi (:

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

23 October 2010

im fat.

i love to eat. REALLY love to eat. well, i like to chew something actually. i cant just sitting around and not doing anything with my mouth. hahaa. especially bila exam macam ni, i cant just study for 2 hours straight without kunyah anything. so sekarang ni, dah worry badan gemuk balik :/ Iwan ahh tadi.

Eh adik, kau gemuk doh. serious kau gemuk. apahal kau gemuk sangat ah ? haha.

-__________________- banyak nya perkataan gemuk yng dia sebut. sabar je laa.

jadi konklusinya di sini, lepas exam, kena beli sport shoes. YE RABIATUL DI SINI, TIADA SPORT SHOES. hahahaha. plus, orang dah lama dah sweating. if sweating pun, time iron baju. HAHA. so yeah. akan pergi jog balik every morning. jaga makan. best nyaaaa. so everybody, just wait and see hasil nyaa. Rabiatul yang kurus lagi bergaya. HAHA.

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

20 October 2010


aku nak letak our picture weh tapi kau tak kacak in every picture kita together. so single laa kau. haha.

so Najman Najman Najman. i repeat back tau,


im not there to celebrate yr birthday this year. so i hope with 2 kali wish dah memadai. hahaa. later aku belanja kau mamak k ? :D so bro, for your birthday ni i wish you the best of life with the bless from Allah. be happy. teruskan with your new hobby (cari kawan baru ramai ramai). if you need help with that, IM HERE ! so roger jee. haha. i wish you will be laju-er than now. blur is cute but terlampau blur mengundang keberangan HAHA. aku doakan kau semoga bertambah sembuh. yr rate of hearing tu increasing laa k ? kesian kau selalu kena kacau and tak dengar orang membebel. haha. stay the way you are. if you wanna for the best, we as yr best friends, will support :') and then, emm, OH YEAH ! we havent lepak together for a LOOOOOOOOOOONGGG TIME. later cuti kan, based on yr mama's rule kan, make sure you dont keluar suka hati okay sebab nanti we ajak outing, kau dah keluar pergi skate. haa. so yeah. and Arif Najman, i hope, our best friends friendship, last forever. AMIN (;

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

18 October 2010

bm hancus

ada satu soalan peribahasa ni. patutynya Tak lekang dek panas tak lapuk dek hujan . aku pergi tulis Tak lapuk dek panas tak lekang dek hujan. HAHAHA. nak tulis post ni pun still confuse gak yng mana betul yng mana salah. parah ! haha. so 1 kesalahan di situ. redha :D esok english, so challo.

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

15 October 2010

Bapak yang vain,

location : Drive through KFC.

Suara Adik punya la comel kat speaker, dia boleh panggil Adik, KAKAK ?
Ala dorang tak tengok badan kau pun tau kau besar.
Kalau aku, mesti dia ingat 16 tahun.
Mesti dorang ingat Tua Teruna.
Tua teruna ?HAHA.
Eh bukan bukan. ataupun Teruna Sunti.
HAHAHAHA. parah la Abah ni.

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

my way baby,

so seperti yang dah diagak, i'll study when the exam is just around the corner. macam now laa. baru nak start study. padahal exam next week. relax jee, benda yng dibelajar tu fresh la sikit for next week kan ? (: so far, maths dah kira settle laa. yesterday ckg ada bagi exercise for exam akhir tahun. okay laa. boleh buat semua soalan, ALHAMDULILLAH :'D sejarah, mhm, kalau ikut sikit sikit, dah cover sume chapter. tapi in details, err tonight kot. tomorrow baca bm and agama a bit. sunday baca literature and agama lagi. monday EXAAAM :D :O okay, settle satu post. tata (:

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

11 October 2010


Life bosan. sangat. bila nak exam ni ? bila nak cuti ? bila boleh balik kj lama lama ? bila boleh outing without fikir about studies ? bila boleh gelak guling guling hari hari ? BILAAAAAAAAAAA ? cuti dah tak best macam dulu. kan ? blurgh.

Rabiatul Hamzah

10 October 2010


exam nak dekat sangat dah. next monday. not tomorrow but the following week. tapi still malas sangat nak study. bukan tak risau, RISAU GILAAA TAU ? but entah laa. azam tak kuat. haha. ive printed questions from SBP. so, maybe tomorrow la kot start study. insyaAllah. NAK BELAJAR ! tapi ni laptop ni haa, macam memanggil. tapi bila online, bukan best pun -.- haih. Iwan is here in Kemuning. lagi haru kot. lepasni, nak letak laptop dalam bilik dia. so takde laa tergoda sangat nak online. pray for me oky oky oky ? thanks (;

Rabiatul Hamzah <3


baju biru tu laa Gha. sengal kaaaan ? yeee :D

okay, lets start from Friday, shall we ? mhm, i went to KJ dengan reason nak meet Izzat since we havent seen each other for ages ! well, lebih kurang laa. dari cuti semester haritu. ehe :P but i ended up lepak-ed with Gha and Teha. sebab Izzat cant go out on Friday and i cant meet him on Saturday. so yeah. then, lepak la ngan Gha and Teha. tetiba rasa macam nak sleepover rumah Teha. sebab dah lama tak jumpa. haritu jumpa at my open house, mana sempat nak story story. then tido laa her house. at night tu, ingat nak study. sekali Gha sengal ni, non stop cakap. baran jeee. last last, tutup question paper, main bullshit. hahaha. then, chit chat chit chat until 4 am kot ? ha, lebih kurang la. haha. the next day, followed Teha's mom pergi her friend's house at Alam Impian. NICE GILA RESIDENCES KAT SITU ! after that balik, yada yada yada, went to Kampung Pandan malam tu because ada wedding rehearsal. then today, the wedding ! boleh la okay laa naik sangap gak la kebosanan. hahaha. oky tu je. ciao (:

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

Haziq ♥ 101010


Aku doakan kau makin tinggi, makin matang, makin kuat dan makin besar. mua ha ha ha. Aku tau kau tak suka tinggal kat asrama tapi aku tau kau kuat. sebab now pun kau cakap, dah okay kat sana. kira kau kuat laa to go through life kat sana. Aku nak kau tau, aku/ktorang tak pernah lupa kau pun. macam aku kata kat msg tadi, bukan lupa tapi tak ingat. hahaha. and kita tak boleh depends on one side je to make efford kan ? haa, so yeah. and and aku sayang kau, toyol (: Keep up kau nya perangai mulut manis ye ? haha. and paling nak wish ialah semoga kau sentiasa mengingati Allah tak kira senang atau susah. semoga Allah bless kau selalu (:

ps; somehow i look pretty in that picture. HAHA
Rabiatul Hamzah <3

06 October 2010


Alaa, habis dah duit raya adik. tinggal RM30 jee.
Tu laa, shopping semalam kat Sunway.
Oky jom, malam ni adik belanja makan kat luar. haha
Ah, tok sah tok sah.
Or jom buat kenduri kat masjid. haha
Haha. nak buat kenduri apa dengan RM 30 tu ?
Nak senang, kenduri, buat je bubur kacang, Rm 10 pun tak sampai.
Ha, boleh. saya boleh masak. nanti kita gi beli kacang.
Nanti guna duit adik tau (:
Gula melaka awak ada ?
Ha, ada ada,.
Lepastu, kita beli la mangkuk polystyrene, senang. makan buang. takyah cuci cuci sume.
Ha, boleh. esok saya buat. hantar pergi masjid.
/dalam hati, WOI WOI ! GURAU JE LAAA !/ hahaha.

takpe la, sekali sekala bagi orang makan guna duit sendiri. tetiba ibu abah aku semangat and rajin pula. haha

Rabiatul Hamzah <3

03 October 2010

Buka Rumah,

HAAI :D i did open house yesterday. i was so nervous at first. i was afraid that no one will come to my open house. biasa la kan. then boleh pula pagi tu Amoi and Teha text cakap tak dapat datang. reason, transport tak sure laa, Teha busy ngan belajar la, Gha nak siapkan acc laa, Fatin ada hal laa. menitis air mata ni tau ! /emo/ hahaa. dah emo emo, Teha cakap she'll come with her mom but after asar without the girls. oky la fine la. at least kan. then around 2.30 pm, Afif and Ahmad pun datang. yeay. diikuti dengan other friends. fuhh. lega terus. ada juga orang yang datang. then, Afif request nak buka table pingpong, , buka laa. then the guys pun main la ping pong. sekali after asar, Abah balik dari surau, Abah join sekali. haha. then Iwan sampai, pun main gak. haha. lepastu, around 6 pm, Teha pun sampai. memang happy gilaaa ! then she said "Rabie, aku ada bawa surprise untuk kau tau." okay la kan. ingat birhtday present kee. sekali, Si mangkuk mangkuk ayun, Amoi Fatin and Gha muncul dari belakang kereta. no wonder mak Teha park kereta jauh tau. hahahaa. memang immediately lari ke dorang and jerit. AAAA. OMG RINDU GILA. AAA ! okay then hug hug hug. hahaha. sumpah, terharu gila. haaa, then Teha cakap, ni laa birthday present aku untuk kau. AWW, THANKS GEDIK <3 sampai Al sound, "kau pergi mana ? macam kat Sunway Lagoon naik roller coaster je jerit." HAHA. then lepak makan bagi duit raya balik tutup rumah. Dina, Ame and Wanie went home at 1130 pm. haha.

Ps ; Thanks korang sebab datang (Afif, Ahmad, Intan, Syaza, Ain, Al, Khairul, Dina, Wanie, Rauf, Epul, Nas, Afiq, Najman, Za'im, Sapek, Amme, Izyan, Jee, Bianca, Teha, Amoi, Fatin, Gha and Ame). Really, thank you very much. dari hati yang paling dalam. HAHA <3

Rabiatul Hamzah <3